AquaDrain® KR
Box gully– can be cut to any lengthInformation
AquaDrain® KR has been specially developed for quick and easy laying on gravel/chippings mortar. The gravel strip integrated into the gully bottom prevents coarse dirt from being carried into the drainage layer. Different grates made from steel or stainless steel open up the kind of design options which are often required, particularly in longer sections of line drainage.
Quick & easy.
Direct laying on gravel/chippings. Direct connection to the flagging. End caps make neat installation easier with line drainage. -
Long-term corrosion protection.
The usual box gutters are usually made from strip galvanised (sendzimir galvanised) steel sheets and subsequently cut to length, slit or punched. This leaves the cut and punched edges susceptible to corrosion. The AquaDrain® KR gutter channel is sendzimir galvanised and has a coating with a particularly high zinc content. It is also powder-coated after punching to protect against corrosion. - Continuously variable height – slit version only.
Complete system
Brief technical information
Vor Türen, bodengleichen Fensterelementen oder in der Linienentwässerung
Sendzimir verzinktes Stahlblech pulverbeschichtet
Gitter – feuerverzinkt
Gitter – Edelstahl 1.4301 elektropoliert
Profildesign – Edelstahl 1.4301 glasperlengestrahlt
Shadowlinedesign – Edelstahl 1.4301 Edelstahl-Flachstäbe mit effektvoll schillernden, anthrazitfarbenen Flanken
Über AquaDrain® KR Höhenverstellung,
mit Standard-Füßen: 20 - 53 mm + 40 mm Kastenrinne
mit XL-Füßen: 28 - 123 mm + 40 mm Kastenrinne